Organelle Research Group


 Latest Publication

Multiparametric Identification of Putative Senescent Cells in Skeletal Muscle via Mass Cytometry

Yijia Li, Nameera Baig, Daniel Roncancio, Kris Elbein, Dawn Lowe, Michael Kyba, Edgar A. Arriaga *

(2024) Cytometry Part A

 Group Updates


Maya's Upcoming Teaching Experience!

Maya, who was awarded the Diversity Predoctoral Teaching Fellowships last year, is going to start her predoctoral faculty experience this coming academic year! She will be teaching one course in the fall and one in the spring at the University of Minnesota Morris campus while working on her thesis and publications. She will receive full funding, including a stipend, on-campus housing, and medical insurance.

We are so proud of you, Maya. Cheers!!


Congrats! Ismail and Ruani!

We're celebrating the remarkable achievement of our group members' graduation. It's truly amazing to see everyone dressed so splendidly for this momentous occasion! A hearty congratulations to Ismail and Ruani! We couldn't be more proud of your accomplishments.


Hyeokjung's OPE Passed!

Yay! Hyeokjung has passed his Oral Preliminary Exam (OPE) and is now a PhD candidate. His innovative research involves developing a single-cell analytical methodology using a spheroid model and DNA nanostructure. Congratulations, Hyeokjung!


Funding Success for Single-Cell Molecular Pathway Analysis Project

 Great news! Our research proposal, "Single-Cell Molecular Pathway Analysis in Aging Systems via Novel Mass Cytometry Methods," has received funding from the NIH in the section of Cellular and Molecular Technologies. We are very excited for our next pioneering stage in the field of aging research.

Group Gallery


 Funding Sources